Hello everyone at Cambridge LLP,
Life Happens, whether you are ready for it or not. Join Sandra Andreychuk, Cambridge LLP Advance Health Care Consultant, for a FREE 3-part series, on the ZOOM platform, hosted by Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice. This seminar series will assist you in preparing for the unexpected and often unwanted challenges we face as we age or experiences a serious illness. Dates: April 21, 28, and May 5th at 6 p.m. – 7:30
The seminar series includes a workbook to walk your through the steps of Advance Care Planning, educational videos, health resources, as well as interactive conversation with facilitators skilled in future health care planning. You are welcome to attend one or all three sessions. Sign up is required at https://kemphospice.org/events/advance-care-planning-3-part-series/
See below for further information on the content that will be discussed in each session.
Session One: Preparing for the Unexpected
In this session, we will:
- Explore stigmatization and discomfort around death and dying.
- Offer practical ways to walk through planning for our future health and personal care needs
- Share the benefits of being prepared for the unexpected
- Discuss strategies to engage your loved ones in discussions around the end journey and future health planning.
Session Two: Stand up and be heard. Choosing the right person for the job.
In this session we will:
- Explore what it means to be a proxy for property, health, and personal care.
- Understand the responsibilities of a Power of Attorney for Property and Personal Care
- Describe the risk in not appointing a Power of Attorney for Property and Personal Care
- Identify the traits of a good decision-maker (proxy)
Session Three: Life happens on its own terms. Deciding what to do next can be on your terms.
In this session we will:
- Reflecting on “quality versus quantity of living” and how our opinions will guide decision making.
- Explore how advancing health technology can extend our lives for the better or worse.
- Discuss the reality of “staying in our own home” and the various housing options as we age.
“At its best, life is completely unpredictable. By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail.” Benjamin Franklin